Learn to use Feeling for your Life
Become fully incarnated, an embodied Being​
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I walk at your side, in your pace and with what is alive in you right now, so that you can heal what holds you back to live out fully. So that you can unfold your wings.
I am a specialist in moving out of stuckness, out of trauma and chronic disease. I've been there. The impossible became possibe: I moved out of it. As you can.
I can go with you to the darkest places because I've been there. The darkness points to where the treasure lies. Darkness needs time to let the light sift through. Forcing will not work, but gentle consistency will. Then the darkness will reveal how it gifts depth, and texture and form to what has been shallow before.
I walk with you in challenging times.
To support your personal next evolutionary steps I hold process spaces and initiations from the abundant context of Feelings Practitioners and Possibility Management.
My core specialties are Gremlin and shadow processes, such as dissolving contracts, processes around dying and being born, and guiding through breakdowns, Phoenix Processes and Bardo states.
From the Feelings Practitioner cosmos the processes around healing inflammation and chronic and autoimmune conditions are close to my heart, as well as uncovering your personal shadow cycle of emotions.
My own practice shows me how important integration is after an initiatory processes. That's what you get from me: trauma informed spaceholding, and embodied practices to integrate your evolutionary leaps into your everyday life.
My commitment is to your Being so it may evolve into its full power.
Make the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy elegant.
Moshe Feldenkrais
My Offers

1-1 Sessions
An individual coaching session is is for you if you want to live more consciously by gaining more clarity about your movements, by getting to know the inner movement patterns of your feelings and the outer patterns of your body. Only when you know what you are doing and how you are using your bodies, can you make a lasting change in your life.
In an emotional coaching session you learn to differentiate your feelings, to unmix them, to dissolve the blocks within you and to free your emotions from exploding or freezing into a conscious, adult expression of feeling.
With Neurobalance Movement Research, you discover how your nervous system is organised, where you tense up, where you have lost your inner structure, and how you can move in new ways with less effort. "This is Mage work", states Clinton Callahan.
With te session you move forward with new possibilities. A personalised practice for your next step will support you in integrating the new experiences in different areas of your everyday life and thus gain great resilience.
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