... has been with me since I can remember. Creating outer spaces is my profession as an architect. Journeying the transitions between the innner and outer realms devolped into my speciall skillset. I am a Bardo Danceress, moving elegantly through the different outer and inner agregate states of mind, physical body, emotions and energies.​
I am an infectuous agent of Gaia for Healing and Evolution.
Several streams of wisdom transmission run through me. My spiritual practice is rooted in the Vajrayana Buddhist Karma Kamtsang lineage. The art of awareness in movement was brought to me by Kerstin Baldischwieler. With her I train since 2012, and practice as a hands-on Neuroscanbalance Trainer Possibility Mangement, practicing as a on all levels. Since 2017 I am deeply inmmersed with the transformational work of Possibility Coach. Since 2018 I practice in the healers' lineage of Feelings Practitioner.
First of all I source from exploring my own body, my movements, my sensations, my orientation in space. And I source from my own inner worlds, my light and my shadow, my survival patterns, my Box construction, my memes, constructs, emotions, traumas, communication patterns, pastlife decisions andandand.
Initiatiors from various contexts have been transmitting their wisdom to me and I have been practicing accordingly, to be able to pass on some of the essence.
In the field of Possibility Management and in the heales' village of Feelings Practitioner I learn from gifted trainers and dedicated research team mates. I am deeply grateful for this radically alive international team, their ongoing feedback and coaching and support.
My marvellous clients are also a source of constant feedback, sharing their own research. From every process that we go through together, I learn tremendously. Plus, my own marvellous coach Ana Norambuena shares generously her insights and experience and knowledge and skills, wihich connects me to an univerum of female insight.

Navigating inner spaces
Contact me
I am located in beautful Ravensburg, Germany.
As an embodied Being, I love to work hands-on, in direct physical, emotional, energetic contact. I love to touch and sense and move. If you want to meet me in person, we find possibilities how to.
If you consider working with me online, please contact me. Technology offers amazing possibilities to connect in an unprecedented way, from your home to me, from around the globe.
If you have questions or comments, please reach out. Thank you for your trust.