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Read my Clients

Hello villagers,

I'd like to share a beautiful space I had with Susanne. A human being I was very happy to meet.

 I had never participated in a Feelings Practitioner space before, and to be honest I had been running away from getting in touch with what my body was telling me for a while. I was too afraid of what might happen if I faced the consequences of everything I had done to survive.

But my body screamed and I felt a strong impulse that this would be the space to stop running away and start really listening to it.


It was wonderful. I leave this space with a lot of love, sadness and joy. Sadness for feeling what I've done to my body in all these years of Patriarchy, feeling how much anger and fear I've stored up inside myself, creating pressure and pain. I leave with great joy for realizing that there is a whole other world with colours, tools and life where I don't have to do this anymore. Where there is space for so much life and true freedom.


I feel very empowered and deeply grateful and happy that this kind of space exists in the world. And excited about my next steps. I feel alive.

I leave my deep recommendation of this extraordinary, loving, magical and healing space with Susanne.


Amanda Serena, Sao Paulo, Brasil


I think Susanne is a born Healer. What I trust the most in her is the LOVE and deep care that is flowing through her Being, her intuition, insights and sensitivity for very subtle signals and energies, plus trunk of experience (also life experience – very big advantage !), sharp sword of clarity and high skills in navigating feelings and subtle spaces.  And humor in all this! That is why when I think of going through delicate and deep Emotional Healing Process many times she is first choice for me.

Susanne is fully committed to the Being of people on her way. I highly recommend her for having her as a guide on the bumpy and adventurous journey of the discovery of your true Self!


Marcin Szot, Wroclaw, Poland


You have the great ability to perceive what is really going on outside of norms and constructs.


Ingrid Schmithüsen, Carignan, Canada


Linda, 7 years old:
My body feels brand new and my eyes are so cozy. Arithmetic has been easier for me since I started going to you.

Linda's mother:
Linda can now concentrate more on her arithmetic. At times she is inspired, a lightness comes in that wasn't there before. She can now extend her alert, inspired moments to difficult tasks. Old and new patterns alternate.


Linda, Ravensburg, Germany

Olá Susanne

share after session: no sore throat at the end of the day. the allergy disappeared the next day and I have been practicing anger/sadness thing successfully.

2 weeks after our session: the allergy crept in 2 times, soft; I've been using the practices that we talked about and I've also been keeping warm and I haven't had an allergic crisis these 2 weeks (99%). I also notice that I am using low-level anger more, with more clarity, and asking for what I want.

thank you!


Marco de Abreu, Lisbon, Portugal




Johannes Ströbele, Freiburg, Germany

Susanne’s spaceholding is characterised by clarity, love and curiosity. The spaces she has held for me have been vast, gentle, focused and healing. Susanne has the gift of a healer: working at the exact spot necessary at the time, with a wide range of qualities that enable the healing process. What helps me tremendously is Susanne’s somatic knowledge, connecting my emotional with my physical experience and providing immense clarity. If you need emotional and physical healing, please go and find Susanne.


Julia Neumann, Taupo, New Zealand


I used to have symptoms in my intestines and guts, the main one was that I used to bleed.For years I was using the conventional medicine and it would slow down the symptoms, and if I would stop the medication, it kept coming back over and over.


I had ONE session with Susanne and with such a spaceholding that It felt like I got my heart and bodies held by millions of different love hands. It was Susanne's Love and Healing at my bodies and systems service. The symptoms stopped immediately. It was magic how a healer could have done that.


After that, I went to the hospital and my doctor told me: "I don't know what happened. If I did not had seen it myself before I would have called it an error. I have here the old exams and the new ones and there's no reminiscence of the 'disease'." He also told: "Congratulations to your body, it did something that worked". After approximately three years, the symptoms did not emerge in my bodies anymore.

I feel glad that I found Feelings Practitioner work, as it possibly have brought me more days to live this live on this Earth.


Luís Trindade, Lisbon, Portugal


For me, the value of your work is that you are in contact with me as a client with complete dedication, so that I can honestly share what moves me. I dare to share thoughts and feelings with you that make me feel small and worthless. In your spaces I experience that by allowing what is to be, so that change takes place. With you I can transform what is emotionally charged into a loving learning process.


Melina Gallus, Gelsenkirchen, Germany


Working with you has taken me from a point of what and where I want to be to what and where I am. A deep gratitude has awakened in me. I was able to put into words what I had known but not yet felt. I had absolutely not expected this. Thank you for this precious work!

Monika Martiny, Weingarten, Germany


After I had hit my head, I wanted to go into my strategy of surpressing the pain and to put myself together as quickly as possible to keep on functioning.

Susanne invited me to make the sounds, connect to the feelings and let them speak. I received a lot of information about a situation when I hit my head as a child, about how my mother is invading my spaces and how much energy I use to keep the anger (volcano) inside my head. Finally the volcano erupted. With this, the pain went down and I used conscious anger for being more responsible to set healthy boundaries. With Susanne I discovered that my personal bubble of space had been open in the back. I closed it.


Alice Belz, Mallorca, Spain


Dear Susanne, thank you again for your clear, organizing and holding support! I felt much better with my daughter today, the heaviness was hardly noticeable. I recalled the picture of my tree - I think I am an elm, old and wise and strong. Thank you so much for the new experiences!



Renate N., München, Germany


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