Welcome to Inner Spaces.
A place to explore your embodied consciousness.
Consciousness creates experiences in your body: physical experiences, mental experiences, emotional and energetic experiences.
You are a Being come to life in a human form. With all the challenges a human form offers. With all of the joy.
If you are looking to heal the pains of your embodiment - you found the place.
Heal your physical body, heal your emotions, heal your energetic body, heal your mental constructs, so that you can enjoy fully the possibilties of your adult existence. Enjoy life and make space for the archetypal forces coming through, so that you can live your destiny.
My Offers
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Navigate inner spaces
Has been with me since I can remember. Creating outer spaces is my profession as an architect.
Journeying the transitions between the innner and outer realms devolped into my speciall skillset. I am a Bardo Danceress, moving elegantly through the different agregate states of mind, physical body, emotions and energies.
Several streams of wisdom transmission run through me. My spiritual practice is rooted in the Vajrayana Buddhist Karma Kamtsang lineage. The art of awareness in movement was brought to me by Kerstin Baldischwieler. With her I train since 2012, graduating as a hands-on Neuroscanbalance Trainer on all levels. Since 2017 I am deeply inmmersed with the transformational work of Possibility Mangement, and in 2022 became certified to practice in the healer's village of the Feelings Practitioners.​​
Contact me
I am located in beautful Ravensburg, Germany.
As an embodied Being, I love to work hands-on, in direct physical, emotional, energetic contact. I love to touch and sense and move. If you want to meet me in person, we find possibilities how to.
If you consider working with me online, please contact me. Technology offers amazing possibilities to connect in an unprecedented way, from your home to me, from around the globe.
If you have questions or comments, please reach out. Thank you for your trust.